We build schools, provide sponsorships to promote quality education at all levels.
One out of every 5 out-of-school children in the world is a Nigerian child. Nigeria has 18.3 million out-of-school children, making her the country with the highest out-of-school children globally. The effect of this inadequate basic education is that 74% of school-aged between 7-14 years lack basic reading and math skills. Other ripple effects include, extreme poverty, missed opportunities and possible recruitment into extremist groups. (2024 UNICEF report). Beacon of Light International Schools building project completed and out-of-school Fulani children from various forest settlements gathered to celebrate the first school in their camp (Buraku Camp) in November 2020.After rescuing Aisha from permanent leg paralysis by Phos Aid International team members, (Read the full story in HER STORY), we realized that the entire community (Buraku Camp) had no single school. And no single child or youth below 25 years had ever had any experience of any form of formal education. Building schools is great but convincing parents to release their children to attend schools is even greater. The real war was convincing the herders to permit their children to go to school since they were already generating some income by exposing their underage children to cattle rearing (child labour). We met and discussed with the representatives of every household in the community, detailing the benefits of basic education and the potential danger of illiteracy. After much persuasion, they agreed to release some of their children to attend our school. The herders were so happy about the school project that they donated a portion of their land and rendered other assistance throughout the school building project life cycle. Beacon of Light International Schools was launched, and on 8th November, 2021, 40 pioneer pupils were enrolled. Teaching and learning activities also kicked off the same day. Our flagship school, Beacon of Light International Schools, as a citadel of learning, is a center for acquiring new knowledge and character. A set of transformations is generated and sustained. A new mindset; a new ability is nurtured among the pupils. The educated children will grow with a set of refined instincts, ideologies and empowerment to think and create solutions. And this aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Target 8.7 agenda towards stopping all forms of child labor by 2025 through basic, free and compulsory quality education.
First day in school, Aisha learns basic reading skills
Boosting confidence and learning through reward-based learning startegies.
Pioneer pupils of different age brackets learning basic
reading skill on the first day of the school on November 8, 2021
Phos Aid International team member volunteering to teach
the pupils basic reading skills in local dialect (Fulani)
Aminat Mohammed, one of the most brilliant pioneer pupils, is a fast learner.
She could recite and identify the 26 English alphabets within the first 7 days in school
Children rushing from different forest settlements to school.
They are coming because of other enticing gifts they receive
Thank you speech by the Chief Imam of Buraku Camp
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Phos Aid International is a registered Non-profit organization, NGO that provides access to healthcare, education, clean water and humanitarian aid, especially to people living in hard-to-reach rural communities. We are a group of vibrant young leaders on a mission to remove barriers to accessing total health, quality education, and clean water. We partner with stakeholders to execute community development projects and provide humanitarian aid, aimed at achieving our vision. Our foundation is rooted in the principles of “the truth”, including, love, compassion, giving and doing good things for others. We empower our beneficiaries until they become benefactors.
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Peter Packer
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Peter Packer
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